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Found 2 results

  1. I have been in contact off and on with Jason through this forum and through emails. I was asked for my address for a possible remote replacement since I can't update my remote. I would very much appreciate some kind of reply or resolution since I've been trying to solve this or discuss with support since October (four months ago). Please help.
  2. Hi guys. I've received my Flirc a few days ago and I'm not able to run a lot of functions or keys with my Harmony 300 (Vol+ vol- mute smallstepack). :o Of course I've read before an tested this guide without luck. The XBMC Flirc profile in MyHarmony don't work fine with the Harmony 300. If I load this profile the Volume+ Volume- and smallstepback don't work. I've also tried to program the harmony like a Samsung LN46C650L1F and assigned a function to all the keys as mentioned in the post. BUT when I try to program or reassign this functions in the FlircGui 1.2.5 (w7x64 + firmware 2.5) they don't work. For example, I press the Vol+ in the gui, it asks for the command, then I press the button in the remote and Flirc says 'recorded successfully' BUT if I test the new key it doesn't work neither Flirc Gui nor Openelec 3.95.2. I can't make it work from any panel... minimalist, Full Keyboard, XBMC. I haven't this issues with the direction arrows, exit, play, enter, stop, forward, backward, up, down, left, right, INFO and numbers 0 to 9. :wacko: It is curious that when I record the key mute (with any button in my Harmony) it makes it on the key info :huh: What can I do? A lot of thanks. :)
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