Want to set up Nvidia Shield running Kodi with a Harmony 900. I set this up with the Harmony software. Checking the 'customize buttons' option after I see presets for the Shield as well as my receiver for volume. Don't see a single thing for the Flirc even though it says here https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200712568-Logitech-Harmony-Remotes that "You should be good to go - you don't need to program buttons using the Flirc gui, we've done that for you." Even after setting commands in the customize buttons on the Harmony software and I plug the Flirc in my Shield it does nothing. Nothing is programmed. If I run the Flirc software and try to manually program buttons pressing a button on my Harmony does nothing. I tried other 'IR' remotes and it worked. Is this because the Harmony is an RF remote? If so how am I supposed to program it? Why wasn't it programmed automatically? All software for Harmony and Flirc is up to date? Can someone help me out with a step by step? This should have been an effortless install but I've already wasted at least an hour. Thanks.