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Found 5 results

  1. When loading a saved configuration, the original "Controller" type is evidently not restored. Please include the "Controller" in the saved configuration data and restore it when loading a configuration.
  2. For anyone that needs it, maybe Jason can add it in the app. I've recorded all the buttons, (also recorded the 4 inputs as the color buttons to get them mapped automatically). Sharp TOKYO FM HI-FI MICRO SYSTEM XL-B514.json
  3. I just purchased a couple more Flirc V2 dongles to use. I would like each device to have the same settings. How can I clone copy the config from Dongle A to Dongle C if I no longer have the original save file? I have everything mapped and can't figure out how to 'read' the config from what will be the Master device. I have already upgraded all the firmware so everything is on the same version.
  4. Is it possible to export my flirc configuration and import to a different flirc? I have multiple that have the same controller.
  5. Hallo, is there someone aware of the technical details of the configuration file format handled by the Flirc application? Kind regards, aanno
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