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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, I just received a new FLIRC (the new model). I'm running FW 4.05 and GUI 2.0.1 on a Asrock Z77 Pro4 (Windows 7) I'm having two problems: firstly, I can't get the FLIRC to wake the computer. I've tried enabling and disabling "Wake from USB mouse/kb" in the MB BIOS. I've also tried selecting (and deselecting) all of the "Allow device to wake from sleep" check boxes in device manager to no effect. What is weird is that my computer wakes up from sleep fine using a logitech diNovo edge bluetooth keyboard, but nothing happens through FLIRC. Additionally, and this is probably related, whenever I wake the computer from sleep using the keyboard, FLIRC is disconnected, and I need to remove it and plug it back in again. I've tried plugging it in multiple USB 2.0 and 3.0 slots, and they all produce the same error. Also, in the FAQ, I saw that sometimes power supplies can be an issue, but I've got a Seasonic PS, so I don't think that's the issue. I also made sure that "sleep detection" is checked Any ideas? I'd really like to be able to turn my computer on/off with my new harmony remote. Should I try installing 1.4.4? does that work with the newer FLIRC models? TY in advance!
  2. I would like the power button on my remote (I have a spare WDTV and a Panasonic remote which I'm using with Flirc Gen 2) to act as a sleep button. I'm using a Windows 10 laptop to run Kodi. I've tried using the Shut down button in both GUI & command line. Although both report success nothing happens when the power button is pressed. I want sleep rather than shut down anyway. In windows the key combination for sleep is Win key + x (simultaneously) followed by u then s. How should I turn this into a macro? (I have read the manual and searched the forum, but no one else seems to have asked this question). Thank you.
  3. Hello, I been trying to get something/anything Flirc (V2) to work either wake or sleep my Windows 7 HTPC using the Harmony Hub with remote 915-000194 but maybe i'm not understanding how to set this up along with the hub. I downloaded the software Flirc Windows GUI Software v3.1.0 installed it and it updated to firmware v4.2.2. Can some explain the process past here for the new software and the hub? Like do I close the software or minimize it because I dont think it runs in the background ect. After I get it working I woundnt mind writing an updated version of how to.... Thanks,
  4. Hey guys, got a FLIRC SE installed. Works great except for wake up command. What iv tried so far. Mapped the button using the GUI (click on the icon, press the button on my harmony remote, button gets recorded fine) Power down hit the button and nothing happens. I have also used this method to record the power button and same issue. flirc_util.exe record power I can wake the PC using a WOL command from an APP. I just cant seem to get it to work with FLIRC. been at it for a few (more then a few hours and its hitting 3am here so need to get some sleep. Would appreciate any help or troubleshooting advice/steps. Thanks.
  5. My FLIRC is getting disconnected (as in, the GUI has a sad face and says "disconnected") after I resume my HTPC from sleep mode. Rebooting is fine - it's only when I put the machine to sleep and then resume that I experience this issue. Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-H170-HD3 - I've been through all the BIOS settings and tried to make sure all USB and wake from USB etc settings are turned on. Related to this is that I cannot get the machine to resume using the remote - but that's kind of expected I guess if the FLIRC is getting disconnected in sleep mode. I've set my Harmony remote to use a a Panasonic TV remote which I have mapped to the full keyboard in FLIRC. Interestingly, the GUI says recording the keypress for wake from sleep was successful, but when I touch that button on the remote, the sleep key in the GUI doesn't light up like the other keys do. Any suggestions?
  6. Hi All, I just bought myself a Flirc because of the lack of 3rd party IR support in OSX. When installing and configuring the Flirc device I've updated the Firmware to 3.8 (GUI 1.4.4) and then started configuring my Microsoft MCE (Model 1039) RC6 Remote. While configuring I get an error message saying 'Button already exists' when recording some of the buttons on the remote. This is happening for my Up and Down buttons, it seems the Flirc device reads the IR signals sent by my remote as being the same for some button pairs (Up/Down, OK/Back). After searching this forum I fiddled around with the Advanced settings and I could not resolve the issue. One forum topic mentioned something about downgrading the Firmware so I thought lets try. After downgrading the Firmware to version 3.1 (GUI 1.2.8) on OSX with the 'flirc_util dfu' command and starting the GUI which then allows to install the lower Firmware, I noticed on 3.1 the RC6 behaviour is perfect, no more duplicate button messages and everything seems fine. I still have to record all the buttons twice because of some RC6-specific difficulties mentioned in other topics, but that's no problem. When doing some more testing I noticed the Flirc device would not wake up my Mediacenter from sleep, so I searched this forum again and tested all the configurations I found in different topics regarding sleep issues (Sleep detection and different suspend/wake/power button mappings) but none of them solved my problem. I am testing my Flirc device on 2 machines, one Mac Mini (2011) running OSX El Capitan (10.11.5) and one MacBook 12" (2015) also running OSX El Capitan (10.11.5). When putting the machine to sleep I can wake it again using my remote for about 1 minute, after this minute the machine does not respond to any buttons. On the Mac Mini I can see the Power LED going from steady to blinking when putting the machine to sleep, and this takes about 30 seconds. It seems that when the Power LED is still steady I can wake it using the remote, and when the LED goes blinking I can not. Because I'm very curious I updated the Flirc's firmware to 3.8 and tested the Sleep/Wake behaviour on this firmware, and on 3.8 the wake works just fine! Even after this one minute and with the Power LED blinking on the Mac Mini I can successfully wake it up using one of the desired Flirc configurations (one button with wake, or all buttons without wake). So now I'm in the position where I want the FW 3.1 RC6 behaviour but I need the FW 3.8 Sleep/Wake behavior so I'm kind of stuck here and I think I need some assistance from Flirc developer @jason. TLDR; On FW 3.1 RC6 is fine but Sleep/Wake doesn't work, on FW 3.8 RC6 is broken but Sleep/Wake works fine. Help!
  7. Hi all, Akira has asked a question that has me stumped and wonder if anyone can help out. We're trying to put a mac to sleep. I guess there are two solutions but I can't figure them out: 1) use the short cut: shift+ctrl+eject key 2) Invoke a script that sleeps the mac Can anyone help? pleasant regards, Chris!
  8. I've been using the flirc with an Intel NUC Windows 10 and a Harmony remote. I have the wake button from the keyboard profile paired, and the power button from the media keys profile paired. The power button will put the PC into sleep mode, and the wake button will wake it back up, but neither will do both. I've tried adjusting BIOS settings for USB waking the PC, and driver settings in Win10 for allowing devices to wake the PC from suspend. Since the wake button is working to bring the PC out of sleep, would it be possible to setup the wake button to send the sleep command when the PC is running? Thanks
  9. Hi: I discovered this amazing product about a month ago. The best thing I like about the Flirc is that the HTPC is programmed to the remote's output, and not vice-versa like "universal remotes" are set up. This means that the smarts are where they belong - in the PC. I thought I would share the hurdles I had in setting up a unit the way I wanted it to run, and how I got around them. A couple words of warning - this is a little DIY. I CAN IN NO WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS OR OUTCOME OF THIS PROJECT. If you proceed to follow these directions - you do so at your own risk, My system is custom built like most enthusiasts. It is nothing special except that it has a very porous case with lots of cooling. I do this because I have 12 TB of storage for all my movies, songs and what not. I've lost a lot of equipment in the past by letting it overheat, and that has been painful. This setup can be kind of noisy and collect a lot of dust, so I have it in a cooled entertainment center cabinet behind glass - and therein lies the problem. As you know, IR equipment does not like to work through glass. Even the BEST remotes I could find were only 85% reliable through it. In addition, the USB dongle Flirc offers did not have the ability to turn the system on and off via the IR remote from the S5 state, which meant that I STILL HAD to open the door to turn the unit on. I still wanted to use a Flirc, but I needed a receiver that could be placed away from the system outside the cabinet. Enter the Flirc SE (http://www.streacom.com/products/flirc-se-adaptive-ir-receiver/). This is a version of the Flirc made for Streacom Cases. It is a simple circuit board with the IR receiver elements on it and a couple of header connectors - AND IT HAS THE ABILITY TO ACTIVATE THE PC POWER SYSTEM. So with the Flirc SE, an old power supply box, a couple of 10 ft USB 2.0 cables (Type A Male to anything else), and an external power bracket, I was able to build something that fit my needs. STEP 1: I stripped the old Toshiba power supply keeping only the box. Pick a box which has a good size window for the IR receiver/transmitter elements in the Flirc. In addition you'll need the Flirc, a couple of 10 foot USB cables, an external power bracket, and some odds and ends including some colored acetate for the window, Epoxy, and a small standoff/other means of holding the circuit board in place. STEP 2: Epoxy the standoff in the box so that the Flirc elements are in the window and you can get at the header connectors after assembly. Set it aside to dry well. STEP 3: You'll need to be good at soldering here - The Flirc SE comes with some cords that help with installation. We will need to use the connectors from these cords. Remove the miniature ends from the 10 ft USB cord and the header connectors that came with cords on the Flirc SE, and solder the two together. CAUTION: Be sure to follow the color code/pinout standards FOR USB that can be found throughout the web. This will be how the Flirc will communicate the normal IR commands to the Flirc software. This will give you a 10 Ft. cord with a 4 pin Female USB header connector on one end and a Type A USB male connector on the other. STEP 4: Remove the ends from the 2nd USB cord and the power switch cord that came With the Flirc SE, and solder them together. The correct wiring diagram can be found at the Strecom website above under user manuals section. CAUTION: Be sure to keep track of the Positive (+) and Negative(-) terminals all the way through to the connection to the motherboard. For my setup, I used some old Molex ® connectors I had around to match the multi-Molex ® external power bracket I had already installed for some fans in an empty slot. This will give you a 10 Ft. cord with a 4 pin Female header connector on one end and (in my case) Molex connector on the other. STEP 5: Assemble the box. Be sure the tie knots in the USB cable just inside the box for strain relief. STEP 6: Wire the inside of the computer. One pair of the power switch leads from the Flirc power plug will go the computer's power switch, the other pair will go to the motherboard. CAUTION: Be sure to observe polarity throughout if there is one marked. STEP 7: Download and install the latest Flirc software and firmware. At this point in time, you will have to run the "flirc_util" command line software to record the key you wish to press to turn power on and off. That information can be found by searching out "flirc_util.exe record power" elsewhere in the forum. Please see the attached photos. Hopefully they'll help. You'll see I have an iRainey pictured here, but it doesn't matter WHAT remote you use. You're free to use any remote you want! That's about all I can think of. I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but this one worked for me, and it was FUN! Good Luck! JoeA
  10. First off, I think Flirc is great. It saves me from having to use the mac mini remote. However there are two problems (one I'll discuss here, the other is for another post). I'm using firmware 2.3 (came with it). Everything programs up well. The only problem is when my Mac Mini (OSX 10.6.8) sleeps, it wakes up about 2 mins later. Flirc wakes it up. It's plugged directly into the USB port on the back of the Mac Mini (no hub, though I've tried that and the result is still the same). Leaving Flirc unplugged results in normal sleep behavior. But of course, then I can't use it. This (like 1.0). But I'm not running that firmware. I've tried clearing my configuration, but that doesn't help. Is this a known issue? Is there a work around? Thanks, Matt Here's the relevant OSX log file, I believe USB7 is Flirc. Dec 25 13:02:57 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep Dec 25 13:04:10 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:12/25/2014 1:04:10.003 PM - Waketime:12/25/2014 1:04:10.000 PM = Deltatime:0.003305137 Dec 25 13:04:10 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:04:13 LivingRoom configd[14]: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep Dec 25 13:04:13 LivingRoom configd[14]: Wake: Success - AC - USB3 USB7 Dec 25 13:04:13 LivingRoom configd[14]: Hibernate Statistics Dec 25 13:04:13 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:04:13 LivingRoom pcscd[195]: Non-smartcard device launched pcscd [Vendor: 0X20A0, Product: 0X1] Dec 25 13:04:40 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: no spins reported for this wake Dec 25 13:09:13 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep Dec 25 13:15:03 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:12/25/2014 1:15:03.002 PM - Waketime:12/25/2014 1:15:03.000 PM = Deltatime:0.001942039 Dec 25 13:15:03 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:15:06 LivingRoom configd[14]: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep Dec 25 13:15:06 LivingRoom configd[14]: Wake: Success - AC - USB3 USB7 Dec 25 13:15:06 LivingRoom configd[14]: Hibernate Statistics Dec 25 13:15:06 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:15:06 LivingRoom pcscd[208]: Non-smartcard device launched pcscd [Vendor: 0X20A0, Product: 0X1] Dec 25 13:15:08 LivingRoom mDNSResponder[18]: RegisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en0 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0216:CBFF:FEAD:028A) Dec 25 13:15:33 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: no spins reported for this wake Dec 25 13:20:06 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep Dec 25 13:20:36 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:12/25/2014 1:20:36.002 PM - Waketime:12/25/2014 1:20:36.000 PM = Deltatime:0.002414048 Dec 25 13:20:36 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:20:39 LivingRoom configd[14]: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep Dec 25 13:20:39 LivingRoom configd[14]: Wake: Success - AC - USB3 USB7 Dec 25 13:20:39 LivingRoom configd[14]: Hibernate Statistics Dec 25 13:20:39 LivingRoom pcscd[222]: Non-smartcard device launched pcscd [Vendor: 0X20A0, Product: 0X1] Dec 25 13:20:39 LivingRoom mDNSResponder[18]: DeregisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en0 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0216:CBFF:FEAD:028A) Dec 25 13:20:39 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:20:41 LivingRoom mDNSResponder[18]: DeregisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en0 ( Dec 25 13:20:41 LivingRoom mDNSResponder[18]: RegisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en0 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0216:CBFF:FEAD:028A) Dec 25 13:21:06 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: no spins reported for this wake Dec 25 13:25:39 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep Dec 25 13:26:47 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:12/25/2014 1:26:47.002 PM - Waketime:12/25/2014 1:26:47.000 PM = Deltatime:0.002430916 Dec 25 13:26:47 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:26:50 LivingRoom configd[14]: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep Dec 25 13:26:50 LivingRoom configd[14]: Wake: Success - AC - USB3 USB7 Dec 25 13:26:50 LivingRoom configd[14]: Hibernate Statistics Dec 25 13:26:50 LivingRoom configd[14]: network configuration changed. Dec 25 13:26:50 LivingRoom pcscd[236]: Non-smartcard device launched pcscd [Vendor: 0X20A0, Product: 0X1] Dec 25 13:27:06 LivingRoom ntpd[26]: time reset +0.697059 s Dec 25 13:27:17 LivingRoom loginwindow[38]: no spins reported for this wake
  11. Hi there, I have used flirc for quite a year or so in my ubuntu box (+XBMC+Harmony 900 remote), and never had problems with it. Recently, I decided to install Win7 instead, and managed to get everything working - except for the sleeping part. What is strange is that I manage to get the machine to sleep and wake with my remote without any issues as long as I wake it up within a few seconds/minutes. If I leave it to sleep for say 30 min+, then I am not able to wake the machine up. I have to manually switch it on to wake my machine, and then I find that flirc is not receiving any commands (which is why it wasn't waking it!). To get it to work again, I just need to open the gui, which then says "connected" and everything works. Can you help me figure out what is wrong? => Running firmware 3.1, gui v1.29 => I have "sleep detection" on, "noise canceler" off, "builtin profiles" on, "sequence modifiers" off => Win7 with the latest updates => hybrid sleep: Off, set with S3 => I have disabled all USB root hubs to allow the computer to turn off the device to save power => I have set the HID keyboard device (flirc) as the only device to wake the computer Gabriel.
  12. Here is how i got my Harmony Smart Control and Flirc to suspend and wake up my HTPC Linux Mint box. Note: make sure you are connecting your Flirc to a consistently powered USB even if the PC is powered off, to choose one; power off your pc and connect your mobile on the desired USB port and make sure your mobile is charging with the box turned off. 1- Download Flirc latest Linux GUI from here (i used the zipped x64 version). 2- Add the file 51-flirc.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ (download the file from here), this udev rule insures that the GUI can connect to Flirc without root permissions. 3- Unplug then Plug your Flirc or restart your box for changes to take effect. 4- extract the GUI tools and run the file named Flirc(might need permissions update), you should now see the GUI and the title bar should says connected. 5- Upgrade your Flirc settings and flash it to the latest FW version using the GUI tools, from File -> Advanced, do the following: enable sleep detection. enable noise canceler. enable built-in profiles click on force FW upgrade. 6- by now, you should have no problems running XBMC with flirc and Harmony or any other remote. 7- locate two free buttons on your remote that will be used to wake and suspend your box. 8- follow the steps from 2 to 6 mentioned in this great post (Flirc will apear as 'Clay Logic'). 9- Unplug then Plug your Flirc or restart your box for changes to take effect. 10- Re-lunch you GUI tool and switch to the Full keyboard view. 11- Record the wake on the remote on the Flirc virtual keyboard. 12- Record the suspend button on a combination of your choice (that does not conflict with XBMC's default map!), i used Ctrl+Del. 13- create the file ~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps/suspend.xml with the following content (change the mapping to your preference in step 12) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <keymap> <global> <keyboard> <delete mod="ctrl">XBMC.Suspend()</delete> </keyboard> </global> </keymap> 14-restart XBMC. 15- if everything went fine, you should now be able to suspend/wake your XBMC box. 16- you can expand the functionality to Gnome by adding the same shortcut to as a keyboard shortcuts to call 'sudo pm-suspend' (need to switch to sudo with no password) 17- using Harmony software i added my wake and sleep buttons to be executed when powering on/off activities or switching between them. Hope this helps, let me know if you need more details! Happy Flircing!
  13. I have an amazon fire tv/flirc/harmony setup. Using the panasonic tv profile I have remapped all of the buttons to exactly how I like them. Though I have run into one small snag. I used one of the buttons to program the media center sleep/suspend command and put the amazon fire tv to sleep. With that button now programmed for sleep I setup the harmony remote to press that button when I press off to turn off all devices. It all works great and I love it. Recently I have had the issue with repeated key presses on the remote. If I enable the noise canceler in the advanced setup it goes away and that problem is solved. But now with the noise canceler on, the harmony no longer puts the amazon to sleep. If I go back and turn off the noise canceler, the fire tv goes to sleep when I press off on the harmony but I am stuck with the repeated key presses issue. Is there any way to allow these to work hand in hand? Thanks
  14. HI everyone! I'm enjoying my flirc that I am using together with a XBOX One Media Remote and my Nuc, which is running Ubuntu 14.04 & XBMC. Normally, I let my NUC run all the time, but it's getting too hot lately and I have been thinking to let it suspend when it is inactive. I see that I can program a wake key to my flirc remote and this all works perfectly, but is there an option to let my Nuc wake up from any key on the remote, without having to select a specific button for this task? General USB keyboards have this functionality, maybe something that I need to turn on in Ubuntu perhaps? It's because all the buttons on my XBOX One Remote are already filled with other options and programming a wake key would mean losing on of the other functions. So in general, let flirc listen to just any signal that comes from a remote OR let flirc react when any of the other programmed keys are pressed.
  15. Hi Everyone, i can't seem to get Sleep/Wake feature to run on my HTPC using Flirc and Harmony Smart Control, i have XBMC installed on Linux Mint 16. here is the steps i followed: 1- i have updated Flirc's firmware to 2.3 which is the latest version. 2- added the Flirc XBMC profile on the Harmony Smart Control. 3- started my HTPC and XBMC would boot automatically. 4- nice surprise!!! everything is working like a dream, now press the "off" button on the harmony...nothing happened (except other devices went off) the HTPC is still up. 5- used the harmony remote to let XBMC go to sleep (using menus), the HTPC slept with no problems. 6- pressed the power button on the Flirc Harmony profile (using the mobile app) the HTPC won't wake from sleep. 7- using a physical keyboard, i could get the HTPC to wake up with any key press. now, am i missing something? thanks
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