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Posts posted by yawor

  1. In my opinion, the built-in profiles are good for a quick start with basic functionality and that's it. I always recommend using non-Flirc Harmony profiles and just setting it up using either specific app controller (like Kodi) or just a full keyboard one in Flirc GUI.

    My recommendation is to add an LG or Samsung TV device to Harmony (depending on what brand TV you have, select opposite one so they don't collide). These brands usually use NEC family IR protocols which work really good with Flirc. Also TV devices usually map all the physical buttons on the remote so you won't have to worry that some buttons don't work. Then you just need to open the Flirc GUI and assign keyboard shortcuts to the remote any way you want.

  2. I'm not familiar with the issue with page up/down buttons. I don't have Harmony so I can't check it myself.

    As for the menu button, probably the Harmony profile for Flirc doesn't have it mapped in its layout (again, I don't have Harmony, so I'm not sure). This means that the Harmony doesn't send anything when pressing the button. From what I know, you can create an activity with Flirc/Kodi profile and then add some different device profile and modify the remote's layout when the activity is selected to include extra buttons. That way you can make the missing buttons active and then use Flirc GUI to assign them to functions you want (like the C for the context menu).

    On the other hand, since version 16.1 Kodi supports long button press actions. Starting with that version, if the keyboard layout hasn't been changed in OpenELEC, you should be able to invoke context menu by long pressing OK button.

  3. Hi,

    Could you provide more information about your settings? Flirc is very flexible and allows a lot of different setups and without specifics there's no way to help you.

    1. Which model of Flirc do you have? The new metal one? The older plastic one? Also version of the firmware would be great.
    2. Which profile are you selecting on your Harmony remote? One of the Flirc/* ones? Or something else?
    3. Which keyboard layout are you using in the OpenELEC?
  4. Advanced settings are disabled for new Flirc (the metal one) as they are either not needed or not supported yet. The wake up is enabled by default and (at least at this moment) any recognised remote key (either for built-in Harmony Flirc profiles or for recorded buttons) should wake the PC. If it doesn't then it's probably something on the OS or hardware side that prevents it from doing it. Please check OS settings if USB devices are allowed to wake up you PC. You should confirm that the wake up is allowed in the Device Manager for Flirc.

    You can also test it with a standard USB keyboard and check if it actually wakes your PC.

  5. No, there's not. There's a Kodi profile if you want a quick start. As LibreELEC runs Kodi it should work out of the box (unless LibreELEC changed default keymap in Kodi).

    But you don't even need a specific profile/controller in Flirc to add support for something you want. Flirc works as a keyboard, so as long as the hardware/software can be controlled by USB keyboard, then you can use Keyboard controller in Flirc GUI to assign any key (or key combination with modifiers) you want to any remote button. The specific controllers (like Kodi controller) in Flirc GUI are just shortcuts that provide predefined aliases for key combinations. For example the Info key on Kodi controller is nothing more than an "i" key on the keyboard.

    On the Logitech Harmony side, you can use Flirc/Kodi profile in My Harmony, which is recognised by Flirc out of the box (it's a profile built into the Flirc firmware), so you don't even need to configure your Flirc to get basic controls in Kodi. If you want to add extra keys, then you can create your activity and assign extra buttons on the remote to send some other functions and then assign them in the Flirc GUI to key combinations you want. You are also free not to use the Flirc/Kodi profile in Harmony and use some other device profile and then configure your Flirc in Flirc GUI according to your needs.

    If you decide to use a device profile other than one of Flirc/* profiles, then I always recommend one of the LG or Samsung TV ones. Just use one you don't have at home (for example if you have a Samsung TV, then use LG TV profile for Flirc). It's because they usually use one of the NEC family protocols which are simple and well supported by Flirc.

  6. I don't think you can. At least not without modifications. Odroid is powered through a different port, for which you would need to drill a hole in the case. The case also works as a radiator for CPU, but Odroid has it's own radiator which makes it impossible fit it in the case. You would need to either remove the Odroid radiator block (but the radiator pole in the case probably won't be in a correct location for the CPU) or cut out the radiator pole from the case.

    Both modifications are probably not that hard to do, but you would need to do them on your own risk.

  7. Maybe you've accidentally recorded vol up/down keys from your AVR remote while recording keys for Kodi. You can try erasing both vol up and down keys and then try it again.

    There's also a chance that the AVR remote actually has a signal collision with the one recorded in Flirc (so it is actually recognised as the same signal).

    The last thing that comes to my mind right now is that you maybe have HDMI CEC enabled and it's not Flirc that catches the signal but it's the AVR sending the volume change commands over the HDMI. You can try it by unplugging Flirc and then test the volume keys on your AVR remote.

  8. The different controllers in Flirc GUI are just sets of predefined keyboard shortcuts in the form of buttons labelled as specific functions. For example, from the point of view of the Flirc hardware, there's no difference at all whether you record either an Info button on Kodi controller or a letter i on a keyboard controller. It will store the exact same thing, because Flirc basically acts as a keyboard in the end.

    As you already know, you can just look at the Kodi wiki page to check default Kodi keymap and record specific shortcuts for the functions you need. But you can also add your own keyboard.xml file in Kodi that modifies and extends default keymap and assign your own shortcuts to a lot of other functions that are not accessible directly from the keyboard by default. Then you can record these new shortcuts in Flirc as well. For example, I've added a shortcut for subtitle delay control so I can easily adjust misaligned subtitles without going into playback menus (single press on specific button pops up the subtitle delay slider where I can adjust the delay using left/right buttons).

  9. 1) This should not happen. But there may be an issue with a specific remote. There may be some remotes that don't work that well with Flirc. From what I can see the remote you're using have some capabilities of universal remotes. You can set it to control different equipment. I would suggest you to try some different codes and check if it works better and is more stable.

    2) How did you record the power button? Using the GUI or the command line tool? The GUI doesn't support Flirc-SE's power button capability at this time. It's because both Flirc USB (old one) and Flirc-SE share the same firmware and most of the hardware (SE only adds few elements needed for power button emulation). There's no easy way to differentiate between these two models in the GUI and show the Power button only when Flirc-SE is connected. We're thinking with Jason on how to implement this.

    Right now, to record the Flirc-SE power button you need to use command line utility flirc_util.exe (it's in the Flirc's install folder). You need to start the cmd.exe, change current directory to Flirc's folder and then run

    flirc_util.exe record power

    and then press your power button on the remote. Also make sure you're using latest software and firmware version.

    Sorry for asking the obvious but have you connected your power button through the Flirc-SE?

    As for the OpenElec and Flirc GUI, I can't help you much with that as I've never played with OpenElec. From what I know, it's now built around any other Linux distribution, but it's created from scratch just for running Kodi. So there's probably no desktop environment at all. But you should be able to upload a standard Linux binaries and then run them in terminal (command line) using SSH. I think it should be possible to upload flirc_util binary and use it to configure Flirc (from command line) running OpenElec.

  10. As Flirc simply works as a keyboard, you should be able to tune your system settings for key repeat delay and speed. As long as Flirc properly detects that the key is being hold down (and not that it is being repeatedly being pressed and released) then you can make the key repeat delay much longer in the system which should prevent multiple reports in your app (unless you do something funny with the keyboard input).

    BTW, which Flirc do you have? The older (clear plastic) one? Or the new, metal one? If your Flirc doesn't detect that the key is actually being held (in opposition to being pressed and released repeatedly) then in case of older Flirc you can tune this by changing Interkey delay in the Advanced settings in Flirc GUI.

    In case of the new Flirc, there's no such setting available, but it has much better long press detection. To set it up properly, when you record a key, don't just quickly press and release it, but hold it until the Flirc GUI shows info about successfully recording the key. New Flirc measures the time span between signal repeats and stores it besides the signal hash.

    But you need to remember, that even if you are able to lower the chance of vote repetition caused by a key being held longer (by tuning system keyboard settings), when one person keeps the key pressed, another one won't be able to vote until no other signals are emitted from other remotes.

    Also without the ability to discern different remotes you won't know if someone has voted multiple times.

    You could look into getting some older and cheaper UEI remotes with JP1 interface, which you can connect to PC using some adapter cable and reprogram them in almost any way you want. You could for example program all of them to use NECx2 protocol with the same key codes but every remote could use different subdevice number, so Flirc would see the buttons as different ones. You would need then to assign the remotes to different key combinations and map these combinations in your voting software as different voters.

  11. Do I understand this correctly that you want to receive multiple signals in a very short time span (or even at the same time) using only a single IR receiver? If yes, then the long press it not the only issue you're going to face.

    1. There's no way to disable key repeat on the Flirc side. You would need to somehow modify the remotes so they only send a single data burst (or only a few of them). This is probably not possible without some deeper knowledge about the remote itself.

    2. Standard consumer IR control schemes don't support any kind of collision detection/avoidance mechanisms. If two or more people press the button in a really short time span (not even at exact same time) then the signals can overlap each other making it impossible to receive anything correctly. It's probably not going to happen all the time but it's very probable and you'll have voting errors.

    There may be some dedicated solutions out there which are using IR signalling for voting but they usually have some kind of collision detection/avoidance mechanism and probably some error correction. They for sure don't use any standard consumer IR control schemes.

  12. WMC is really picky when it comes to keyboard control. Please be patient. As Jason has already said, he'll take care of this issue, but he's currently busy moving to his new office. There's nothing you can do by yourself in that matter with v2. It requires changes in the firmware.

  13. The Flirc GUI treats the Windows key as a modifier key, so you can, for example, record a remote button for Win + R, but it won't allow you to assign something directly to the modifier key. For that, you need to use a command line utility called flirc_util.exe. It's where you've installed the Flirc sofware (probably something like c:\program files (x86)\flirc\).

    You need open command windows (win + r, enter cmd, and press enter). Then go to the Flirc software folder (cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flirc") and then you can use flirc_util.exe:

    flirc_util.exe record_api 8 0

    and press enter. The command will wait for you to press a remote button you want to assign to the Windows key.

  14. Hi,

    Flirc acts as an USB keyboard. You can think about it in terms of a virtual keyboard where you map your remote controller's buttons to specific keyboard keys and key combinations (with modifiers like shift, alt etc).

    Regarding the Harmony profiles, the Microsoft Kodi one has nothing to do with Flirc. All the Flirc profiles (Flirc Kodi one included) are provided for a quick start with Flirc. Their support in Flirc is built into the Flirc's firmware and doesn't even require installing Flirc software for them to work out of the box (at least on a standard QWERTY keyboard layout). These profiles provide basic functionality for people that don't want to set up everything themselves and just control their player right away.

    On the other hand, you are not required to use those profiles in Harmony. You can use almost any device profile (for example for some TV; almost because some IR protocols are not working that well with Flirc - I always recommend Samsung or LG TV as they often use NEC family protocols) and just use Flirc software to teach Flirc to use that profile. And you can map the remote to keyboard keys any way you like.

  15. You can also use LG TV codes for example. Then you won't need to worry about the keys interfering with your TV.

    As for the codes for Flirc or Fire TV, don't even bother looking for them for your remote :). You won't find them. Only Harmony remotes have profiles prepared for Flirc. But as you already know, you don't really need that.

  16. Hi,

    This remote looks like an universal remote. This means that you should be able to enter a setup code for each device button (TV, CBL etc). Probably the device setup code you've entered (or it already has been set up with some code) is not being compatible with Flirc. Do you have a code book for that remote? If yes, then select some other code for CBL/SAT and set the remote to it. Then clear Flirc configuration and test if it works better. You don't need to record all the buttons you need right away. Just record 2-4 keys (the direction keys for example) and then press the buttons and check if correct buttons are being highlighted in the Flirc GUI (or open some program on the computer which you can control with arrow keys and check if the remote works).

    I would also change the CBL/SAT to other type of device. Cable/Sat boxes may use some proprietary/custom protocols which may not work well with Flirc.

    Can you post the exact model of the remote?

  17. Are you testing the "good" Flirc in the same device where the "bad" one doesn't work properly?

    As for the keyboard layout, unfortunately there's a known issue with layouts different than US QWERTY or compatible (for example, in Poland the most popular layout is "Polish - programmers" which is based on US QWERTY and only does few changes which doesn't affect Flirc). The issue comes from the way an USB HID devices work (and Flirc is basically an USB HID keyboard) and the fact, that the current software (Flirc GUI) doesn't support different layouts.

    You need to change the way you record your keys. Look at your hardware keyboard you have connected to your computer. Find how to get the minus sign on it (which key or key combination you need to press to print "-"). Then open Flirc GUI, go to Controllers -> Full Keyboad, but instead of pressing a button in the GUI which has a minus symbol on it, press the same key or key combination you use on your hardware keyboard by the keys' position on it. So if on your hardware keyboard the minus sign is right next to the right shift, then in the GUI, to record the minus sign, you need to also press a key right next to the right shift (in GUI its "/" and "?" key). You need to do the same for other symbols that are not achieved in the same way as on the US QWERTY keyboard. There should be no problem with symbols which are the same as on the US QWERTY.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. This eventually will be addressed in the software, but requires a total rewrite of the GUI to support different layouts.

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