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cathalk last won the day on December 21 2024

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  1. User error (oops) when attempting firmware upgrade. I was re-installing the batteries after step 3 for some reason. Close the software Unplug the USB-C cable Remove the batteries. Press and hold the return and center key while you insert the USB-C cable (image attached) Start the software All isues resolved now after firmware upgrade
  2. Record ("IR Learning") feature worked perfectly first time after firmware upgrade to 4.13.11-0 (from 4.12.6-0) using the above upgrade method
  3. The above instructions for updating the firmware have worked for me. I have been upgraded to 4.13.11-0 (from 4.12.6-0) Note: for some reason I assumed I should replace the batteries after having taken them out for a few seconds, then proceeding with the keypress+connect step. This was preventing my device from entering DFU/bootstrapper mode. Things went much better when I remembered how to read :) "To safely enter bootloader mode. Take out the batteries. press the middle cursor button, and the back button. while plugging it into the computer. See attached. If successful, pressing any button will blink the LED 3 times. If so, start the app, it should force an update."
  4. I have a brand new Skip 1s and need the Record feature as my new Panasonic Smart TV is not listed (model: TB-50W60AEY) Firmware Version 4.12.6-0-g60dd93b Remote Model SKIP.1S.RELEASE.A05 Registration Date 12/05/2024 22:22:23 I am on MacOS Sonoma 14.4 + I have attempted Record, with no success, using the following SkipApp versions SkipApp 0.9.993.9156 (Nightly) SkipApp 0.9.993.9152 (RC) SkipApp-0.9.992.9056 (Beta) From reading earlier series of posts culminating in SkipApp-0.9.955 with IR Learning - Alpha 6, it is mentioned several times that the firmware version is key and that it can be updated following these instructions, copied below: Close the software Unplug the USB-C cable Remove the batteries. Press and hold the return and center key while you insert the USB-C cable (image attached) Start the software I have had no success with this method of firmware update. Is it critical to update from 4.12.6-0 to have any chance of Record working with the above SkipApp builds? Is it expected that a SkipApp update itself can update the firmware (when using MacOS)? Has anyone using MacOS successfully done the firmware update method listed above? I have posted this problem originally on Beta Feedback section. Thanks in advance for any help!
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