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  1. Just to update, mine had been fine on Tuesday this week with the same new batteries from my last post May 3rd - it'd been behaving really well! Came to use it today, and no response from it - connected to PC with USB, and STILL no response - windows did not acknowledge a USB connection, and the app shows Offline... Then, to try something different - I swapped the batteries whilst it was connected to USB - and re-plugged - and STILL no response. I now have it in a state where it has new batteries, and is not responding whilst unplugged or plugged to the PC... @jason - is there anything I can do whilst it is in this state to help debug?
  2. Agreed, mine is lasting pretty much around a week before it starts to act up - again, to add, @jason thanks for all your work on this. I'll continue to try and capture logs etc. if it is being helpful? (before this last update, I'd been taking the batteries out until I needed to use it :-) ) This time it did respond to USB and the app, and gave the attached log - I did not remove the batteries, though I did unplug the cable, and re-plug the cable - so it's given 2 sets of output. Again, I hope this may be of some use? Any tips/hints/advice on what we could do to help? Otherwise, I'll continue to use it with some fresh batteries! I might have to swap to rechargeable ones though! Thanks again! flirc-remote-control20240503.log
  3. Definitely weird! I put new batteries in after last week to ensure I had another clean shot at getting any debug logs etc. Again, it's been fine for almost exactly week - tried this morning, and it wasn't responding. Fired up the application, connected the USB, the remote started responding, but the application still showed Offline. Unplugged, and the remote went back to dead. Re-connected, and the application recognised it. The log then simply showed, <2>task_start(41): Hypnos: v4.12.26 <1>malloc_addblock(61): Heap Block: 0x20002BFC - 0x20007BFF (20k) <1>log_rcause(378): BOD33 BOD12 SYST WDT EXT POR <1>log_rcause(385): F F F F F T <1>init_remote(266): Initializing Past Profile: A <3>usb_hotplug(46): Connected <2>default_handler(163): Vol Up pressed <2>default_handler(163): Vol Up released <2>default_handler(163): Vol Down pressed <2>default_handler(163): Vol Down released Same firmware are before :- "proc" returned "{"USB":247094}" and "butt" returned {"Vol Down":{"Released":264566}} I'll keep trying to see if I can get any more information from it - I'll start to use it more and see if that helps?
  4. With all the activity and the new firmware, I decided to give it an update and leave batteries in it. This may be just anecdotally, but it's been fine for the last week as I've pressed the volume button every night and it responded. Until last night, when I pressed the volume button, then pressed the "A" button to remind myself what device it is on. This morning, it is failing to respond... so I tried to follow the instructions under, However, this fails at the 2nd step - connecting the USB cable gives a message from Windows "USB device not recognised"... I had to remove the batteries to get it to respond to USB.... I tested the batteries, and they still measured Okay - put the same batteries in, and it came back to life. Current firmware is 4.12.26-0-gf661a78 - I've attached an export of my remote configuration and the log I got from it once it came back responding to the app. "proc" returned {"USB":243090} "butt" returned {"Vol Up":{"Released":280149}} (I guess it lost the error logs as I had to remove the batteries??) Is there any trick to get it to reset to respond to USB if it's showing Device not recognised?? flirc-remote-control20240417.log Lounge Remote.skip
  5. I'm going to install this now as well. Since I last posted on the 13th to now, my batteries are dead on the 12 firmware (which is the first time for me on the 12 firmware) - and I only used the remote on the night of the 13th. Fingers crossed! (Hoping it's not a developing hardware issue!!)
  6. Used the remote happily at the weekend on firmware 12, but didn't update to 18 until Monday evening. Came to use just now on Wednesday evening, and it managed just one button press - measured both battery voltage, both run down flat at 0.97V. I'll revert the firmware again - I'm happy to collect any debug information if I can (with a bit of instruction on how to enable etc.)
  7. I only really use my remote when the wife is out (only once or twice a week, when I can crank up the volume :D) It's kinda why it was a surprise it was dead when I came to use it - it had been fine with that usage pattern since I'd had it. I've prodded it just now, and it's still alive on the 12 firmware. If I get chance today, I might update it to see if it's flat when I want to use it this weekend...
  8. Yeah, i changed the batteries after it went flat quick, and again, they seemed to last a day or so before being flat again. Only thing I could think of is, I'd changed some key settings and it updated the firmware (to 4.12.18 I think?) Seems okay after going back to 4.12.12 from the firmware thread? The windows app keeps wanting me to update though.
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