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Posts posted by IR1

  1. I agree that this remote should have a dedicated profile, since Apple must have sold millions of them - but am still curious about a few things:

    • Which exact model is this?
    • What machine is the FLIRC device plugged into?
    • What application are you trying to control with it?  
    • Are you able to use it with FLIRC right now?  (If not, can you make it work by using the Fire TV, nvidia shield or Kodi template in the FLIRC configurator app?)

    I have an Apple A1156 remote that does work with FLIRC and should also get its own profile since it was included with all Macintosh computers that were sold when this remote was new.


  2. I also have a LiteOn SK-7100 and have tested it with FLIRC.  Most of the keys function correctly, but FLIRC cannot distinguish between the following keys:

    G / N
    H / M
    X / N
    E / up arrow

    While testing this I noticed that sometimes FLIRC recognizes the H or M keys correctly if the keyboard is held at some particular distance / angle.  Since most other keys work reliably, this makes me wonder if the problem could be addressed in FLIRC firmware.  Perhaps you could dynamically adjust the gain or sampling rate on the IR receiver?  In any case, it would be nice to have some pro troubleshooting tools (like a desktop app which displays the pulse timing & amplitude of the IR signal.)  This might give us some idea of whether detection could be improved.

    If it would be of any use, I disassembled the SK-7100 and this is what I found:

    On the receiver I see a 12 MHz crystal and chip # KKMPAA2051
    On the keyboard (transmitter) I see a 4.9152 MHz crystal and chip # KKMPAE7100

    I can not find any data sheets on the IC's

  3.       ---> note:  I reference a couple of posts from different threads here which are related to my suggestion:

    KenJs: Any insight as to when this will be available? I bought the device after seeing that it had a transmitter, so its a bit disappointing not to be able to use the transmitter...

    yawor: unfortunately there's no timeline yet on when that feature will be implemented. There's still no consensus on how the blaster will be accessible to the OS and apps/scripts.



    Let me give you an example use case, and explain how I think the IR blaster should be supported :

    1.   In the FLIRC configurator app, create a new tab or mode switch gadget that enables scripting the IR blaster.  When the user flips the switch:
    2.   FLIRC configurator says: "press the key that you want to script on your primary remote"
    3.   press the Power key on your primary remote (the one that you use to control your media center PC)
    4.   FLIRC configurator says: "On any remote, press the key(s) that you want FLIRC to broadcast"
    5.   press Power button on your TV remote
    6.   press Power button on your Sound Bar remote
    7.   select END RECORDING in the FLIRC configurator app

    Result: When you press the power button on your media center remote, FLIRC will hear this and broadcast the IR codes to turn on the TV and sound bar.  Now you only need one remote to control your media center (instead of three.)  You dont even need a media center PC if you just plug FLIRC into a USB power supply on (or near) the TV.  So FLIRC now appeals to a much wider audience:

    I could program a FLIRC device and give it to the client.  There is no need to buy a big scripting remote that will intimidate them with its cost & complexity.  If my clients have a remote control which they know and love, and they do not want to replace it, FLIRC can add the extra functionality which it needs to support power switching on multiple devices.  (In most cases, that is all my clients want.)

    yawor: There's no built-in automation for transmitting. The Flirc's main focus is still on controlling the PC (or other USB Host hardware) to which the Flirc is connected. This means that you can't configure the IR signal to be automatically transmitted by the Flirc itself in response to a different IR signal.


    --->   I think it is time to implement this feature, since it would resolve 95% of my clients complaints, and significantly expand the number of applications where FLIRC could be useful.

    yawor: The IR control is prone to interference if more than one IR transmitter is sending control signals at the same time.


    In the scenario which I just described, where the essential TV/Sound Bar/Kodi functions that you would use on a daily basis are all integrated into one remote, interference from other remotes should not be an issue.

    The IR transmitter in FLIRC could also be programmed to wait about 1/4 or 1/2 second after the last IR reception before broadcasting an IR macro.  Also bear in mind that it takes about 5 or 10 seconds for the TV to boot.  So the user wont typically be mashing any other keys on his IR remote while he waits for an HDMI signal to appear on the screen.  For this reason, I really think that broadcasting IR power commands will work just fine in most applications, and it solves the most common complaint that I get as a home automation consultant.

    ---> Even if your media center PC is on a shelf below the TV, and the TV cannot see the FLIRC IR broadcast, you could use an IR repeater to expand FLIRC's broadcast coverage.  For example:

    8 Best Remote Extenders

    You can even buy an IR extender that piggybacks IR signals on the HDMI cable, so both components of the extender can be placed within your media cabinet where they are less likely to be disturbed by family or pets.


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