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Everything posted by monkeybrother

  1. Yes, same cable, I just moved the whole thing and plugged it in. None of my equipment is grounded... the building is from the 40's or 50's and only the kitchen is updated/grounded, so I can't do anything about that. Wifi can't be the cause, at all? When I turn on wifi on my htpc (an msi cubi n), the remote stops working, even when the HTPC is in a "non-interfering" part of the house.
  2. Crap. I moved my HTPC from the spot by the modem/router, where I aso keep a bunch of NASes and receivers and stuff and now it works. So, too much interference. The problem is that there is nowhere else to move the HTPC, since it has to be connected to sound, HDMI and the internet by cable. Is there some way to shield the Flirc somehow? Would a USB extension cable help? Edit: Found an old usb hub with a long extension cable that worked before I moved the HTPC back, but it still won't work when I put the HTPC in it's original place, even though the flirc is almost 2 meters away from the interfering stuff.
  3. Hi. Thanks for your answer. I put the flirc in my big workstation, and there it seems to be working - notepad receives the input - but I can't get it to work on my HTPC, which is where I need it. It's a newly installed windows 10 pro, so not a lot of driver garbage etc. Same problem as before, the gui says connected and I can map keys, but nothing else sees the input. What could be wrong? What can I try next?
  4. I just bought a Flirc (v2) because it said "works with any remote", which would mean that I could use my old MCE remote that I can't find drivers for anymore, but no luck. I can see things happening in the debug window and the gui reacts when I map buttons, but nothing else seems to notice the remote. Kodi doesn't react, no output in notepad etc. Am I missing something? Is the remote too old (I tried the remote for my projector, same thing happens), despite the tag line? Is something else wrong? Thanks. Windows 10, trying to control Kodi. This happens when I press the "down" button three times: :e:1813 0,2744,753,500,348,500,347,500,789,499,787,1386,796,495,352,496,351,496,352,495,352,496,368,479,352,495,352,500,373,915,351,500,792,941,792,496,347,527,347,474,351,496,351,496,352,495,352,914,818,500,347,527,321,944,792,941,351,496,792,500,347,941 :e:70 0,2714,784,474,373,496,351,496,792,496,788,1390,792,495,347,527,321,500,348,499,347,500,352,496,373,474,347,500,366,927,347,500,792,940,792,496,352,496,373,474,373,474,386,462,373,474,373,919,792,496,352,496,351,941,792,940,378,443,818,474,373,941 :e:816 0,2718,784,495,343,530,317,478,810,504,783,1390,788,504,343,504,343,500,347,505,342,479,369,530,317,504,343,500,347,945,347,504,788,944,788,500,347,945,787,500,347,501,347,499,348,944,788,500,347,500,347,944,788,944,347,500,788,511,336,945 :e:69 0,2718,779,504,343,504,343,504,785,503,783,1389,788,500,347,499,348,499,348,500,347,500,369,478,347,500,347,500,347,971,351,470,787,945,787,500,347,945,788,500,347,500,347,500,347,945,788,500,347,526,321,945,788,944,347,501,787,500,348,945 :e:1200 0,2744,752,505,343,504,343,500,788,504,783,1389,788,500,347,531,316,531,317,504,343,530,317,530,317,505,342,505,343,949,343,531,761,971,762,500,347,500,347,500,347,501,347,504,343,500,347,945,788,530,317,500,347,945,788,944,347,505,783,505,342,945 :e:70 0,2717,779,526,317,530,317,507,781,504,783,1390,788,500,347,500,343,522,325,530,317,531,316,505,342,505,342,505,343,975,317,530,757,945,788,500,347,500,362,511,321,500,347,501,347,500,343,949,783,504,343,531,317,949,783,949,343,530,757,516,331,945
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