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  1. Thanks alot! "Media player" came from that the Harmony tool categorized Flirc as "Media player" during adding. I did as you suggested and cleared the configuration of Flirc. As you said, it works out of the box and even the immense bunch of additional features that are not covered by the Kodi profile of Flirc works :) Thanks!
  2. Dear all, I configured "Flirc media player" as a device at my Logitech Harmony 600. A lot of functions worked out of the box, some could be learned. But what doesn't work and has a weird behavior is the fullscreen function. Regardless which button I assign, it is mistaken for the number button "3". I can erase Fullscreen and 3, but even after that, when i push "3" on the Harmony, it still works. Any suggestions?
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