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Posts posted by Jaaxx

  1. Almost there.  Missing a dependency -  libhidapi-hidraw.

    On a fresh install, I get this on startup.

    flirc_util: error while loading shared libraries: libhidapi-hidraw.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    After installing libhidapi-hidraw the Flirc gui does open and appears to work, but with a lot of shell noise like:

    Can't load 'test.ini'
    [D] lib/libflirc/flirc_driver.c fl_major_version(391): something bad happened
    [D] lib/libflirc/flirc_driver.c fl_minor_version(381): something bad happened
    [D] lib/libflirc/flirc_driver.c fl_patch_version(401): something bad happened
    [D] lib/libflirc/flirc_driver.c fl_major_version(391): something bad happened

    etc, etc, etc.


  2. The Flirc program does nothing but program the Flirc itself.  After that the device is simply seen as a usb keyboard. 

    As far as launching a program with keystrokes, that will depend on what OS you are using.  So what you really need to do is Google how to launch a program via keyboard with your chosen OS.  There are dozens of ways to do it in Linux; in Windows I haven't a clue.

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  3. Currently using GUI 2.0.3.  I have an old flirc and I would like to dump the config and load it on my shiny new flirc.

    A. - Is this even possible?  When I tried it only perhaps 2-3 of the buttons out of 46 actually mapped on the new flirc.

    B. - If not, are there plans for any kind of conversion utility?

    The remotes I am using are old DirecTV RC66.  They are wonderful for use with the Flirc BTW.

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