If you have been wondering on how to make Kodi work with Flirc and Harmony remotes to automatically suspend without you having to call up the shutdown menu or be stuck with the other methods that limit suspend commands to the home screen of Kodi this is how to do it with Kodi v15 at time of writing. Thx to GoodOmens for the tip though his info is a little out of date now so this is a guide on how to do it all. Kodi/Openelec Go to system information and make a note of it's IP address Turn on SSH in Kodi services Harmony Software Devices Flirc Media Player Change Device Settings Power Settings I want to turn this device off when not in use I press the same button for on and off Add command and select PowerOff (if you have messed with poweroff before finding this guide choose the fix command and reset IR code for PowerOff) Sync remote Go to Flirc software Select file clear configuration Select full keyboard Select Ctrl+F12 (as Kodi wont respond to this at least not yet) Go to devices on Harmony remote and select Flirc media player then hit the power off key to map it to Ctrl+F12 (requires harmony with display screen or map power off to physical button) From Windows Download WinSCP Select SFTP Input Kodi IP address Username = root and password = openelec Once logged in select options\preferences\panels and tick the box for “show hidden files” Browse to /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps folder Create a file called remote.xml Copy and paste in the text below, then save (old floppy disk icon) <keymap>
<f12 mod="ctrl">XBMC.Suspend()</f12>
</keymap> Exit WinSCP Kodi/Openelec Reboot the system (required for new xml to take effect) Now if all goes well when using Harmony activities the system should go into suspend. If you've been wondering why not just use the stock Flirc/Kodi power off command combined with the Kodi settings\power saving changing it from shutdown to suspend, this doesn't work. If you go this path the system will always wake up when using any activity and not go into suspend, the stock power off command is bugged somehow like it's being sent multiple times.