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jmarcet last won the day on January 24 2014

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  1. Hi, One nice addition would be to be able to use the same button for other things besides waking up. Other than that it works perfect :)
  2. It's exactly the same feeling. Right now, with the Harmony, if I quickly press, say 6 times the right button, after I have lifted my finger the last time I still see on screen three right button events. Wheres with the Hauppauge RC5 remote, with each key configured twice which doesn't allow me to use all the keys due to lack of space, if I do the same, press six times the right button, when I lift my finger the last time, nearly at the same time (I think it is less than 50ms) the sixth right button event completes on screen. The lag is there and it is noticeable. Sigh. I'm not unhappy with Flirc, on the contrary, I love it, but I still lack a complete solution. I'll get in contact with Jason then. Thanks for the support. By the way, I tried the MCE profile and the problem remains. I'm beginning to think that pretty much everybody here is having these delays, only they don't know it can behave much better.
  3. I will try using an MCE profile and report back. Indeed, you can´t change that setting on the Harmony 300i. I can´t say it doesn´t work. It does, but after having used a remote which is buttery smooth, you do notice the difference, like going from a 2.x to a JellyBean (4.1) Android ROM. I like the Harmony but unless I can make it work as smooth as the remote bundled with the tuner, I know I won´t use it. Concerning Jason´s post describing how Flirc is coded, I know in LIRC you can configure the gap between button presses. Once configured you don´t have this sort of problem. That is, it is something which has already been done within LIRC; it can be adjusted to work reliably with quite different remotes. I´d love to help him getting it right, but the code within Flirc´s firmware is closed, so only he can do it.
  4. I have finally bought a Harmony 300 but I can't get it to work smoothly with Flirc. With my other remote from a Hauppauge DVB tuner card, I have to program twice each button, but afterwards it is silky smooth. With the Harmony 300, OTOH, using the SAMSUNG LN46C650L1F profile, since my TV is a Panasonic, there is too much delay between key presses. Reducing Flirc's interkey_delay helps a little bit but not enough. Using a Sony KDL-55HX855 profile the behavior is slightly different. The delay between key presses is shorter, smoother, but there is another noticeable delay before every key press. The result is that you notice a delay between the instant you press a button and the instant the action is executed on screen. Since the Hauppauge remote (which uses the RC5 protocol), after programming each key twice, is silky smooth, I tried using its profile on the Harmony. I used the IR receiver on the bottom of the Harmony to copy the IR codes of the Hauppauge remote. Then I configured Flirc with this new profile, also programming each key twice, but there's still a noticeable delay before each key press. I have also tried playing with Flirc's sensitivity and interkey_delay options but there was not improvement. I wonder if there is any way to get the same silky smooth response I get with the Hauppauge remote (with RC5 protocol), after programming twice each button, with the Harmony 300? Otherwise it will be another botched purchase.
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