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Everything posted by m2k

  1. I really got the same Issue, windows vista sp1, really over night (going to standby) it automatically earases all configs from flirc. the important thing, it seem to discard and don't reboot the flirc correctly. on my machine opening the flirc app it says "bootloader detected" and then going to init flirc, afterwards i have to reboot, then it works. The strange think, it really worked over weeks. Suddently from 1 night to the other, not working again, then never wokring :(
  2. hey guys, when at least @BaggaDonuts is not giving any feedback, I can do. Short Version: * If you don't have Windows Explorer enabled, enable it now, * load / start flirc app once manually and load config, * reboot * since that moment everything will work as expected. * done ;) Took the infos and just double checked. Problem for me was: Using XBMC Launcher (Launching XBMC directly without explorer, I faced the same issue). After restart I had to manually open Flirc App, (it showed some message about initializing bootloader, sometimes it already worked, sometimes loading config too). After enabling Windows Explorer and afterwards launch XBMC, it automatically also loaded Flirc Driver and everything works as expected. Can definitly live with this solution (but it's not as cool as seeing XBMC directly boot without seeing Windows Taskbar / StartMenu ;)))))) Cheers && thanks for the hint, me finally: fuck*d ;P didn't work for me, constantly. i'm not sure what's wrong, but it looks like some initialization sometimes goes wrong. for now i test: power settings -> disbale suspend for usb on sleep. probably then it will work ;) will keep you updated.
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