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Determining state of power button


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Is it possible some way to determine what state the remote thinks the power button is in?  

I would like to be able to indicate whether the remote believes the hit of the power button will be the Power On or Power Off macro?




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  • 4 weeks later...

I also want this feature too, especially for devices that don't have special control commands for A/V systems.

For now, my temporary workaround is to look at how long the action takes, but that's only possible because I use an LG TV with a common control set that includes special commands like dedicated power on and power off commands, as well as commands to jump to specific external device inputs. Here are some examples:

Power on:

  • (TV) Power on (5s delay)
  • (TV) Switch to HDMI 1 (1s delay)
  • (Pay TV) Power toggle

Power off:

  • (Pay TV) Power toggle (1s delay)
  • (TV) Power off

I had been planning to get another Skip 1s for a room which has a different brand of TV that I don't think has such features.

I'm thinking that the power "up" macro could be indicated by the circle animation turning clockwise, and the power "down" macro indicated by the same animation turning counter-clockwise, instead of what it currently is where they both turn counter-clockwise. Maybe the colours could also be different.

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