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Posts posted by Googlhupf

  1. Hello!

    First time poster and long time FLIRC user here.  :-D

    I found out about the Skip 1S just hours ago. I've been reading everything I could find about it. My Harmony is on its way out and will need to be replaced soon. :-/

    I have questions. To program the FLIRC USB, you need to have a remote that sends a unique IR code for each button. Even with a very good device database, you can't have buttons for everything. Say I want a button that brings up the audio delay slider in KODI. There can't possibly be a button for everything. Does the Skip app allow creation of a new button that brings its own new IR code? When I needed a custom button on my Harmony, I just grabbed an ancient VCR remote and learned an IR code from that. What's the Skip's approach to that?

    As for the IR database... Is that your own or third party? What about European makes and models?

    Will there be a connection between the FLIRC USB and Skip app?

    Greetings from Germany



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