This is exactly what he means and what i'm waiting for too.
@calavera: I've also tried some configs to impement this feature in software (importing the keyboard.xml from ATV-XBMC,played aroud with advanced settings.xml and the setup within xbmc) with no luck.
So i guess, the dongle needs to recognizing the longpress, to map this action with a second command, which is not implemented in the firmware yet.
At the moment,the dongle recognizes a long press as a hold (repeat), so you can e.g. turn volume up or down by hold the button.
(Jason,please correct me, if i'm worng)
What i have in my mind for the future is, the gui works as follows:
- tap a button-> program function as usual.
- hold a button-> the gui give a message like "long press recognized. Please choose action:1. Hold, 2. second action
I have no idea if this is possible to program for the flirc device, but it would be very nice to have ;)
So i whish a happy new year to all the flircers out there, especially for you and your family, Jason! Keep up the good work, this thing is quite amazing!