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Skip 1s Firmware v4.12.8-beta


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While we are doing our internal testing, beta firmware can come with occasional bugs. Bugs can be as simple as occasional annoyances to extreme problems that may cause battery drain or inhibit functionality.  This beta firmware is currently stable and does not appear to have any of these issues, but please use with caution. Please find the current v4.12.6 release firmware attached as well if you want to revert back.


  • No longer reports Sync Error if user config is empty
  • Add Support for Ring Personality Color (Hit color wheel mode, and then Enter to activate)
  • Add Support for Honoring Brightness set by SkipApp
  • Better handing of LED transitions
  • Better Support for Short Pulse Transmission like NOKIA32/XMP/Cisco/Xfinity etc
  • Restore Profile on Power Loss
  • Restore Device Power State on Power Loss
  • Restore Profile after Sync
  • General Bug Fixes
  • Led Timing Changes

Updating Firmware

SkipApp currently does not expose a public method to update the firmware. Please close the Skip App and use the SkipUpdate tool below. It will not work with both tools open. Open the app, load the firmware file, and click upgrade. There are no other options. Close the app when finished, you Skip App should connect normally to the remote.

Download Links

SkipUpdate for Mac and SkipUpdate for Windows

For Fun

RingTune for Mac and RingTune for Windows



skip.1s.a06.release-4.12.8.bin skip.1s.a05.release-4.12.6.bin

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Upgraded to 4.12.8 with success, then opened the skipapp, changed the led timeout and brightness and synced.
Buttons are then much more responsive, led timeout and brightness didn't changed with new fimware.
But then... after a few minutes, maybe five it wasn't possible anymore to use the remote, i could still press activity a, b or c and saw the light glowing up when pressing, but none of the remote keys are working anymore, pressing the color button activited the ring color in many different ways, but still no way of using the remote anymore. Connecting back the remote to the skipapp resolved the problem temporarly, and again after a few minutes it is again not possible to use the remote.

I then tried to downgrade the firmware back to 4.12.6 but got the message it failed, now i cannot use the remote anymore it always enter a non useable state after a few minutes after disconnecting the remote from the computer, while connected with the computer it it useable for a longer period, so sad :'(

Edited by c.dennis
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after the remote stopped working i then downloaded the remote logs in the skip app

<1>malloc_addblock(49): Heap Block: 0x20002F00 - 0x20007BFF (19k)
<3>tc_capture_init(163): need to specify tc_capture hw
<3>init_modules(443): Module Load Error: &module = 0x0000F5B4
_init(191): need to specify tc_capture hw
<3>init_modules(443): Module Load Error: &module = 0x0000F3D4
<3>ir_hashtable_init(731): module missing hw
<3>init_modules(443): Module Load Error: &modul
e = 0x0000F434
<3>setup_cache(272): no config
<1>default_handler(147): Home pressed
<1>default_handler(147): Home released
<3>setup_cache(272): no config
<3>recache_profile(135): profile is no l
onger present


maybe you have something with this log ?
I hope it will be possible to fix this very soon as for now it is not possible to use it.

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Ok, I force closed the updater app then unplugged my remote. Seemed entirely nonfunctional, no lights at all when pressing buttons or activity buttons, so I took out the batteries for a minute then replaced them. When I would press buttons, the ring light would flash red repeatedly as long as I hold any button down. Now I've plugged it back in to my PC and opened the Skip app, which still detected it and connected fine, and now if I press buttons it does a slower flash of red 3 times. Will try reloading my profiles now.

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Alrighty, wasn't able to sync from the Skip app even though it did stay connected, so I tried the updater again with 4.12.8 and this time it completed successfully to 100%, and now the remote is behaving normally again, I think. Haven't had a chance to test it much yet so we'll see if I run into the same issues the others were having with it becoming nonresponsive after some time.

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25 minutes ago, theboomr said:

Alrighty, wasn't able to sync from the Skip app even though it did stay connected, so I tried the updater again with 4.12.8 and this time it completed successfully to 100%, and now the remote is behaving normally again, I think. Haven't had a chance to test it much yet so we'll see if I run into the same issues the others were having with it becoming nonresponsive after some time.

A few things, you can not brick the device. If the firmware uploads incorrectly, it will always have the fail safe of staying in DFU or the bootloader. You know it's in the bootloader because hitting any button on the remote flashes the leds 3 times. It'll wait there until you upload a valid image and stay in low power mode. The GUI should actually detect it's in the bootloader and recover the device by uploading the public stable firmware. I'm not sure why it didn't but I'm not concerned at the moment, probably just windows being windows.

I'll make sure users are aware of this next post. Which is now, I think I fixed the bug. Locking forum, opening new one.

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